Mystics unveil the realm of subtle sensory experiences …
Mysticism encompasses the enigmatic spiritual dimensions that elude our sensory perception. Initially, humans encounter the world through their tangible or physical senses, such as touch through their hands, hearing through their ears, and scent through their noses. However, as individuals advance on their spiritual journey, they may attain more refined faculties through specific spiritual techniques or the benevolence of a spiritual teacher (Sadguru). Over time, these individuals cultivate subtle senses within their awakened subtle bodies.
Merely because ordinary individuals lack the ability to perceive specific spiritual phenomena in their surroundings does not negate their existence. Our perception is constrained, preventing us from comprehending certain spiritual realities solely through our cognitive faculties. A mystic or authentic saint possesses the capacity to unveil these imperceptible spiritual truths. They perceive God within the universe that surrounds them and achieve oneness with the Almighty through their surrender.
Our Subtle senses awaken along the Spiritual Path. The energy of God resides within the sukshma sharir (subtle body) and senses of living beings. The spiritual journey unfolds in various stages as one explores these subtle senses. Once our subtle senses awaken along the spiritual path, our perception transcends the realm of physical senses. Unlike the limitations of physical senses, the subtle senses enhance our perception. For instance, through the subtle eye, we perceive the colours and vibrations that envelop living beings, such as the aura surrounding the physical body. While electromagnetic waves, heat waves, and sound waves exist in nature, they elude the perception of those relying solely on their physical senses. However, individuals with heightened perceptual abilities experience these energies differently, bridging the gap between the physical and the subtle realms.
Mysticism transcends the realm of extra-sensory perception. It is incorrect to exclusively associate mysticism with miracles or the acquisition of extrasensory abilities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, or other psychic powers. These precognitive faculties represent subtle laws of nature that operate according to predetermined principles, which humanity has yet to fully decipher. Every human invention is intricately linked to the discovery of these universal laws of nature. However, such discoveries do not bestow the inventor with mystic status. For example, Guglielmo Marconi invented radio transmission, revolutionizing communication, yet this achievement did not classify him as a mystic. Likewise, scientific evidence demonstrates that different living beings possess varying levels of sensory perception. For instance, dogs exhibit a heightened sense of smell compared to humans. Many animals surpass humans in sensory perception, but this alone does not confer mystic qualities upon them. What truly sets mystics apart is their profound comprehension of spiritual truths that transcend the boundaries of intellect and sensory perception, extending beyond what we typically define as miracles. Mystics unite their consciousness with the Universal Consciousness. Mystics lose awareness of their own existence, transcending their bodily consciousness and the passage of time. It’s at this point that a complete fusion of their consciousness with the Oversoul occurs. What ordinary people perceive as miracles or unexpected events are manifestations of a greater force enveloping these Perfect Masters, as their consciousness merges with a higher, universal consciousness. Shirdi Sai Baba resided in the highest realm of consciousness, a divine aspect. Consequently, He possessed profound knowledge of every individual who sought His presence, spanning past, present, and future. His consciousness interconnected with the consciousness of all beings in the world.
Sufis, in particular, are mystics characterized by their intense love and longing for God. While they hold a deep affection for God, they remain unswayed by various aspects of His creation, including miracles, materialism, and worldly pleasures. They ascend above these elements.
A mystic perceives God rather than the surrounding universe, engaging in intimate dialogue with the Divine and recognizing themselves as children of God.