The Three-Fold Approach of the Sadguru …

Chandra Bhanu Satpathy
5 min readOct 16, 2023

In the contemporary age, commonly known as Kali Yug, only a select few individuals can commit to a path of renunciation, creating the necessary time and circumstances to immerse themselves in the profound spiritual wisdom practiced by revered yogis. For many of us, engaging in more demanding spiritual disciplines like hatha yoga, kriya yoga, and vipassana seems nearly impossible due to the demands of our worldly lives. Recognizing this challenge, the Sadgurus have devised uncomplicated spiritual practices tailored for householders, taking into account the complexities of relinquishing worldly commitments or adopting an austere way of life.

As householders, we can embrace a three-fold approach towards our spiritual development, incorporating swadhyaya, swachinta, and satsang:

· The initial step is swadhyaya, entailing our dedicated effort to study spiritual texts independently.

· The second phase, swachinta, involves contemplating spiritual writings and the teachings, as well as the qualities of the Sadguru. This process includes self-examination in the context of these principles, with the aim of continual self-improvement.

· Finally, the third facet is satsang, which involves gathering with like-minded devotees to engage in discussions about the life and teachings of revered Sadgurus, such as Shirdi Sai Baba.

Swadhyaya — Delving into Sacred Scriptures

At one stage of our spiritual journey, it becomes essential to read and write about the Sadguru to expand our consciousness. Today, there is a wealth of spiritual literature available, easily accessible via the internet. Even in the absence of a living Sadguru to guide us, we possess the intelligence to grasp the deeper meanings within these writings.

Followers draw inspiration from various sacred texts: Sikhs revere the Guru Granth Sahib as their eternal Guru, Christians turn to the Bible, and Hindus find wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita. The Shri Sai Satcharita, containing Shirdi Sai Baba’s teachings, transcends religious boundaries, drawing from ancient Hindu teachings found in the Puranas and the Brahmanas. Reading the Shri Sai Satcharita with heartfelt devotion is crucial, as Baba’s teachings embody His essence.

Language, a powerful medium, can sometimes obscure more than it reveals, depending on its comprehensiveness. Thus, it’s a remarkable effort by individuals to articulate their experiences in writing, aiming to reach a wider audience. Many of those who spread Baba’s name were not from Shirdi but were inspired by stories about Baba published in newspapers and magazines during that era.

To immerse ourselves in swadhyaya, we can start with simple activities, such as studying spiritual texts wherever we find ourselves, be it at home, in the library, or in the temple. When our interest in reading spiritual literature is genuine and not a mere pastime, it transforms into a natural and spontaneous activity. Over time, we’ll discover an innate inclination to explore spiritual writings and learn more about the Sadguru.

True love for Baba is reflected in our eagerness to learn about Him. Many of us have experienced the enchantment and enthusiasm of being in love, where we research every detail of the beloved, strive to observe their routine, and make time for them regardless of our busy schedules.

If we’re unwilling to invest time and effort in learning about the Sadguru and hope for instant spiritual knowledge, we’re likely to be disappointed. Similarly, the number of spiritual discourses we attend is irrelevant unless we dedicate time to read and reflect on spiritual texts and their timeless messages.

Many devotees visit the temple seeking solutions to their worldly problems but often spend their time socializing rather than investing in reading about Baba. They continue to grapple with unresolved issues when Baba’s teachings could positively transform their attitudes and guide them toward solutions. Resolving problems through Baba’s teachings underscores their significance in our lives.

By reading the Shri Sai Satcharita with devotion and contemplating Baba’s teachings, we deepen our comprehension of His messages, finding answers to both temporal and spiritual questions. However, these teachings can only help us when we actively apply them in our lives. Thus, continuously reading the Shri Sai Satcharita or making pilgrimages to Baba’s temple without integrating His teachings into our daily existence becomes futile.

Swachinta — Contemplating the Attributes of the Sadguru and Self-Reflection

We build temples for Baba, sing His aartis, but we must also question the depth of our comprehension regarding the Sadguru for whom we undertake these acts. Reciting the Sadguru’s name is one thing, but assimilating His teachings and principles is of even greater importance. Many of us experience a sense of joy, an ‘ananda bhaav,’ when we hear stories of Shri Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita. However, there’s a necessity to delve deeper and contemplate His qualities, integrating them into our thoughts and actions. This approach aligns with the guidance of Shirdi Sai Baba, who encouraged devotees to engage in self-reflection and take incremental steps by learning from positive role models. In all aspects, it’s imperative that we make conscious efforts to enhance our character for spiritual growth.

Our comprehension of Baba is constrained by our level of consciousness. While we may be familiar with Baba’s physical form, unless we focus on His inherent qualities, we cannot truly understand Him or the essence of His teachings. Repeating Baba’s name is commendable, but only when we delve deeper and grasp the virtues He embodied can we make meaningful progress on the spiritual path.

Satsang — Collectively Contemplating on the Teachings of Sadguru

Through the benevolence of the Sadguru, we can unite with like-minded devotees to engage in contemplation of spiritual teachings. Temples serve as a central gathering place for spiritual seekers and provide a convenient setting for organizing satsangs. However, such meetings can also be arranged beyond temple premises, such as in the intimacy of each other’s homes or at community centers.

Devotees regularly assemble in their homes worldwide, conducting devotional group sessions known as Sai Sandhyas, particularly prevalent across Europe. These gatherings are particularly valuable in areas where Baba’s temples have yet to be established. In the United States, a Chitra Yatra is periodically arranged, where Baba’s image is placed in a vehicle and taken on a journey throughout the country, being hosted in various devotees’ homes along the way.

Maintaining a clear focus on Baba is paramount during satsangs, ensuring that the time is exclusively dedicated to discussions about the Sadguru and spiritualism. When congregating to deliberate upon Baba’s teachings or even to partake in prasad, it fosters a sense of social unity. During these interactions, the relationship between devotees should not adopt a transactional nature, driven by materialistic notions of reciprocity. If we utilize our time in satsangs as an opportunity to conduct business deals or engage in socializing, it adds nothing to our spiritual progress.




Chandra Bhanu Satpathy

Dr. Chandra Bhanu Satpathy (C.B. Satpathy) is a noted scholar, spiritual thinker, author and a humanitarian.